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cognitix is a startup based in Leipzig, Germany, with a novel user‐ and threat‐centric approach to network security and optimization.
After many years of having worked in IT security, the founders of cognitix are focusing on solving the shortcomings of IT security software products currently available on the market. cognitix knows that in the end it’s all about protecting what is valuable to the business.
We know that data networks exist to serve the business and needs to balance areas of risk with their associated costs. We know that humans can be part of the initial problem but also need to be given the appropriate information to be part of the solution. We know that in today’s world and with BYOD there is no longer a clear demarcation between the perimeter and the internal network. We know that it is no longer about detecting and monitoring but rather about analyzing and understanding. We know it is all about protecting the user and their traffic.
We believe that security isn’t about a single magic box but an ecosystem of solutions sharing information and interacting together to provide an integrated comprehensive protection. Above all, we grasp that with the ever changing fast-paced threat landscape any meaningful protection can only be achieved with deep network analytics that does not only protect the perimeter, but also the internal traffic from external threats and internal malicious users.
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At cognitix we’re developing the next generation of context aware network security systems. These address real‐world requirements and pains of SMBs and enterprises.
Our solution consists of a platform independent threat detection and protection system. The product that we offer uses inline real‐time correlation and discovers concealed behavior patterns and threats. cognitix’s context aware packet-processing engine is capable of processing tens of millions of packets while performing correlation between all the packets in real‐time and at wire-speed.
We believe that the best threat protection systems require powerful visual reporting that enable network and security administrators to actively understand and analyze all network traffic and events visually.